
Battle rap instrumentals
Battle rap instrumentals


This is an unheard of price for everything you need, and it is of such good quality, I have dedicated an entire page of my Snoop Dogg website to it.


But why did I say Don't Buy Them?īecause you can get it all, the studio software and over 1,100 soundsets and loopsets for under 30 bucks with Hip Hop Starz Record Producer and Mixer Studio (see "about the author" at the bottom of this article). That's everything you need to make your own beats, instrumentals, samples, loops, tracks, and complete demo cd's. or if you want a little better quality studio software and more soundsets and loopsets, you can spend about $425 for high-end studio software, 600 soundsets, and 900 loopsets. Don't Buy Them Either!Īlright, so at the minimum, $140 gets you the low-end studio software, 200 soundsets, and 300 loopsets. They usually come in packages of about 200 soundsets for $30 and 300 loopsets for $60, or 600 soundsets for $75 and 900 loopsets for $150. Again, just do a search for "beats" or "loops".

battle rap instrumentals

Don't Buy Them (you'll see why shortly)! Now you're going to need beats, melodies, chords, samples, and loops to customize with your recording studio software, aka: soundsets and loopsets. As you search, you will notice that on average, this type of software will run you between $50 and $200. Just do a search for "make your own beats" or "recording studio software". You can find this type of software all over the Internet. They also allow you to record yourself as you sing or rap to your track and to make a copy of your tracks to cd. Recording studio software is nothing more than a program that allows you to mix beats, melodies, chords, samples and loops to make your own customized instrumentals and tracks. First you will need recording studio software. Part I: Make Your Own Beats, Instrumentals, Samples, Loops, Tracks, and Complete Demo CDs. With that being said, let's get to the part you are waiting for. You will also see the resources you need to make money doing it. You will see the resources you need to make your own beats, loops, instrumentals, finished tracks, and complete demo cd's. Whether you dream of Making It Big in the Music Industry, or are just interested in making some extra cash doing what you love, this article is for you. There are thousands of people and even companies looking for new music everyday! Let them hear yours! "Money aint a Thing"! They sell millions of their cd's. People are paying $30 to $60 for small beat and and sound packages, $50 to $100 for small loopsets and beatsets, $100 to $300 for Instrumentals, $100's to $1,000's for complete tracks and samples, and for the few lucky ones like Jay-Z and J D. Many people are making an excellent living selling thier samples, tracks, and cd's, on the Internet and off, even if they're not with a major record label. Make Your Own Beats, Instrumentals, Tracks, and Demo CDs (Very cool article, I posted it in all my blogs) My tips are still only scratching the surface on this topic so any experienced cats who have any input - please do so Or take pops: It's easy to go to the exact part of a word, put in a filter or EQ out below 100, then fade in on the word instead of having a sharp attack.” I can move things around later or put EQ on a tiny part to make it match up. When they're writing on the spot, it really helps that when I punch in, it's nondestructive.


"For working hip hop-style, Pro Tools is, Douglass admits, “a godsend. Here's an example of how top audio engineer use Pro Tools to help the recording process learn your recording software and use it to enhance the recording process.

battle rap instrumentals

Yes, you can make a popper stopper out of a coat hanger and pantyhose but in my opinion just spend the $20 and buy one from your local music store.ĥ. You can also add add libs as well but in general, keep them to a minimum (check out Jim Jones/Dip Set for some good use AND some overuse of add libs).Ĥ. When doing it though, try and get the double ups EXACTLY on time/in line with the main vocal track so that it achieves it's purpose but isn't too obvious. double ubs/backing vocals - recording a double up track (or tracks) that emphasises certain lines/rhymes and covers up for small errors/inconsistencies is usually a good idea. Instead, get them ready to record, record 2 or 3 takes, listen to them and use the best one as the main vocal trackģ. I've been in studios and seen MCs take 20, 30 and even 50 takes for a verse and in most cases the quality of the recording gets WORSE not BETTER with each take as the MC gets more frustrated, tired, anxious, bored etc.

battle rap instrumentals


assuming the MC has rehearsed and is ready to record - try and record their full verse/song in 2 or 3 takes (preferably two), then choose the best one. It's soooo much quicker if the MC has their rhymes locked down before they get to the studio.Ģ. They should have their rhymes written and rehearsed and ready to record. make sure the MCs have thoroughly rehearsed prior to coming over to record.

Battle rap instrumentals